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The Four-Fold World - Cities and other Settlements of the Shard

And these are said to be the cities and other settlements of the Shard.

1) The City of Shadows

This is the city closest to the Valley of the Bears.  Built on a steep hill it is ringed by a mighty wall that serves to keep the ogres and giants of the Mountains at the End of the World at bay.  The streets are narrow and crooked and little light finds its way to the ground.  The richer you are the higher up in the city you live.  The street teem with shadows that seem to have no origin.  The locals ignore these shadows but they make visitors feel uneasy.  At the very top of the city-hill is the king's palace.  But no king is to be found in the throne room and all that can be seen on the throne is a misshapen shadow that even the locals prefer to avoid.

2) The City at the Centre of the World

This city sits abreast the Path of Skulls and dares demand a tribute from all who travel the Path.  For some reason Maripose accepts this.  The king of the city is an ancient man who claims dominion over all the lands he surveys.  He sits on a diamond and gold throne at the very pinnacle of the tallest tower in a city of tall towers.  Anyone ascending to his perch can see seemingly for ever but the king himself is blind.

3) The City at the Edge of the Sea

In any other world this would be a city of sailors and a port of renown.  But here in the Shard of Sorcery the city turns its back on the Only Sea and instead gazes out across the River of Grass.  Instead of a harbour and piers the city has a solid wall of alabaster facing the Sea and relies on caravans crossing the River of Grass for its survival.

4) The City of Dust

Once there was a city whose inhabitants decided to reject the claims of the sorcerers.  They turned their emissaries away empty handed.  For a year and day nothing happened but then overnight the city sank into a huge dust pool that is said to reach down to the Underworld.  No one from the city has ever been seen again but occasionally strange objects float to the surface of the dust and the whirling dust devils that plague the site make ghostly mirages of the lost city in dust.

5) The Fort

Deep in the Sea of Grass to the south of The City at the Centre of the World is The Fort where merchants trade with the centaurs and minotaurs for various products.  Most notably cheese and meat.

6) The Tower

This mighty tower reaches to the sky, impossibly slim and impossibly tall.  No one knows who inhabits it but creatures are seen flying from its heights.

7) The Fisherman's Rest

A gigantic fisherman dwells here casting his nets into the Only Ocean and pulling a rich haul out.  This his trades with The City at the Edge of the Sea.

8) North and South Oases

The north and south oases are where the minotaurs (north) and centaurs (south) congregate when they need to trade or discuss matters.  Humans are not welcome.

Created July 18, 2012.  Last updated August 30, 2022