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The Four-Fold World - Maripose, the City of Sorcerers

Shall I sing to thee of Maripose
Storm-wracked, sea-girdled
City of Sorcerers?
Built o'er-night on a pillar of basalt
Torn from the heart of the world

Maripose is the great city of sorcerors built after the end of the War of Magics.  It serves to separate them from the rest of The Shard of Sorcery resting as it does on an immense, perfectly circular pillar of basalt six key miles across that rears half a key mile above the stormy surface of the Only Sea.  The only connection between it and land is a bridge made of rainbows.

After they had the destroyed the other practitioners of magic and banished the gods themselves the sorcerers were wearied.  Being desirous of a refuge safe from the rest of the world they created Maripose.  Uniting their magics they pulled a great circular plug of basalt from the heart of the world in the Only Sea and built a city atop it.  From this island fortress they rule the world.  They keep watch on the world and make sure that no one rediscovers any of the lost forms of magic.  They ignore the practitioners of folk magic as being beneath their notice but if anyone is found to be practicing mysticism or animism or even worse dares to worship any god their wrath is swift.

Maripose is fairly self-sufficient but every ten years a tribute is demanded from the subjects of Maripose.  This tribute can take many forms but the most feared is the youth tithe.  This involves a demand for 10 youths of unmatched beauty, five youths and five maids.  Amid much grief and gnashing of teeth the ten set out for Maripose and are never heard of again. 

Created July 16, 2012.  Last updated July 18, 2012