RPG a Day
Inspired by (ripping off?) the whole RPG a day meme from last August (2014) I decided, since I'd missed out on most of it, that I would create a page on my website dedicated to the idea.  So with no further delay here's my RPG a day site.   PS.  In some cases I got's nothing.
1st - First RPG Played
2nd - First RPG Gamemastered
3rd - First RPG Purchased
4th - Most recent RPG purchase
5th - Most Old School RPG owned
6th - Favourite RPG Never get to play
7th - Most “intellectual” RPG owned
8th - Favourite character
9th - Favourite Die / Dice Set
10th - Favourite tie-in Novel / Game Fiction
11th - Weirdest RPG owned
12th - Old RPG you still play / read
13th - Most Memorable Character Death
14th - Best Convention Purchase
15th - Favourite Convention Game
16th - Game you wish you owned
17th - Funniest Game you’ve played
18th - Favourite Game System
19th - Favourite Published Adventure
20th - Will still play in 20 years time…
21st - Favourite Licensed RPG
22nd - Best Secondhand RPG Purchase
23rd - Coolest looking RPG product / book
24th - Most Complicated RPG Owned
25th - Favourite RPG no one else wants to play
26th - Coolest character sheet
27th - Game You’d like to see a new / improved edition of…
28th - Scariest Game you’ve played
29th - Most memorable encounter
30th - Rarest RPG Owned
31st - Favourite RPG of all time
1st - First RPG Played

Hmm, long time ago.  I played around with D&D with a friend in my teens but we never really played a proper game.  I suspect the first proper game I played was Tunnels & Trolls in high school.
17th - Funniest Game you’ve played

My all time favourite is the Drelb games I've ran at cons over the years.  The second one where the cannibal hillbillies were facing off against the group of Mi-go in disguise was one of the best.  Though Drelbs in Aspic was pretty good too.
2nd - First RPG Gamemastered

That would be Call of Cthulhu.
18th - Favourite Game System

Call of Cthulhu.
3rd - First RPG Purchased

19th - Favourite Published Adventure

Pretty much any of the 1980s Avalon Hill Gloranthan pieces.  Shadows on the Borderland is probably my favourite of the bunch.
4th - Most recent RPG purchase

13th Age as a PDF (back in August 2014)
20th - Will still play in 20 years time…

Probably Call of Cthulhu.
5th - Most Old School RPG owned

Besides Gammaworld I also have the white box of D&D.  Doesn't get much old school than that.
21st - Favourite Licensed RPG

Stormbringer/Elric plus the rest of The Eternal Champion stuff.
6th - Favourite RPG Never get to play

All of them?  I rarely get to play as I'm the only person who GMs in our group.
22nd - Best Secondhand RPG Purchase

Can't recall.
7th - Most “intellectual” RPG owned

Huh?  Probably Philosophy quest.  No idea.
23rd - Coolest looking RPG product / book

Umm...RuneQuest6 deluxe edition?
8th - Favourite character

Grannah Brennan, aka Blood Drinker.  I had played a long sequence of warriors wearing half plate and armed with hand and a half swords who died in the first scenario. He was the first character I had that managed to make something of himself.  He was a DragonQuest character who had such a low Will stat that he could be scared by a really ugly ox  (and he was at least once).  Later on in the campaign he was given a hideous suit of spiked plate by a demon and gifted (cursed) with the ability to gain gain con points, stats points and healing from drinking the blood of friends, enemies and innocents respectively..  (I only killed and drained one character though and he was retiring the character anyway!  He still hasn't forgiven me).  I wouldn't play a charcter like that in a campaign nowadays.  Probably at a con though. 
24th - Most Complicated RPG Owned

I have copies of Space Opera and Aftermath.  Never played either but I hear they're quite bad.  (I did once spend an enjoyable evening at a friend's place rolling up a Space Opera character.  I ended up with a Rear Admiral in charge of a whole fleet.  I go into a bar and order a orbital bombardment...)
9th - Favourite Die / Dice Set

Any kind where the number you read for the D4 is on the base of the die (pointism is a heresy!) and where I do not have to paint in the numbers myself.
25th - Favourite RPG no one else wants to play

Don't have one.  If I set up a scenario in any system we'd play it at least once.
10th - Favourite tie-in Novel / Game Fiction

Probably Oliver Dickinson's Griselda stories for Glorantha.
26th - Coolest character sheet

13th Age has a nice neat character sheet.  Though you can see an awesome blast from the past here.
11th - Weirdest RPG owned

I'm going to go with "It Came From the Late, Late, Late Show".
27th - Game You’d like to see a new / improved edition of…

Don't know.
12th - Old RPG you still play / read

Call of Cthulhu comes the closest.
28th - Scariest Game you’ve played

Don't remember anything particularily scary.
13th - Most Memorable Character Death

Grannah Brennan again.  Early in the campaign I had been gifted with a magical banner that made my character more powerful.  We were hot in battle with a powerful foe when another player said, "Make your death curse, Oliver."  "Huh?", I replied.  At which point he dashed the two components of universal solvent, something borrowed from The Fantasy Trip, to the ground which disintegrated everything in a two hex radius, including of course myself and my horse and the enemy.  But not the banner. 
29th - Most memorable encounter

I have a whole selection of memorable, if poorly written, remembrances here.
14th - Best Convention Purchase

Haven't been to many cons so the best thing I've ever bought would probably be the Cheapass Game Captain Park's Imaginary Polar Expedition.
30th - Rarest RPG Owned

Definitely my friend Lawrence's Vikings & Vakyrs game.  Sadly I think I may have played once but that's it.

15th - Favourite Convention Game

My friend Craig's Cabinet games were always fun.  Usually, you play a member of an American president;s cabinet with a secret agenda and have to acheive your goal at the expense of others.
31st - Favourite RPG of all time

Call of Cthulhu.  It just does the job man and unlike a lot of systems I have no complaints about the mechanics (as long as we're not talking about the edition that used hit locations.  That was a bad idea).
16th - Game you wish you owned

Nope, I'm good with what I got.

Last update October 8th, 2014