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Oliver D. Bernuetz's Gloranthan Characters - An Episode in the Life of ...

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Hi Arne,

Here's what happens to you next session...a mysterious blade appears from nowhere and plunges into your back...oh wait that's Naul Aur;->

You had gotten some raw materials to fix your sword with. You'd then found yourself a well lit spot on the edge of a plaza to work in. You sat down cross legged and started fixing your sword's hilt. A crowd of children and some more curious adult Balazarings had gathered to watch as you worked. You growled at them when they blocked your light but other than that ignored them and the steady stream of new Balazarings that stopped, watched a while and left to be replaced by others.. You were just trying to do a extra neat job of winding leather around the hilt when your light was blocked again. You didn't bother looking up and growled again when...

"Consarned young'uns. Don't know nuttin' about nuttin'".

You looked up suprised by the use of Trade Talk and were momentarily blinded by Yelm's light in your eyes when someone snatched your sword from your hands.

"Let me show you how to do that proper like, gol durnnit!"

You started to rise to your feet, your hand moving to your trusty stone dagger when a loud growling near your throat made you reconsider. You sat back down and your vision quickly cleared. Before you, sitting crosslegged was an old geezer who was sitting there undoing all your hard work. Right before you was the ugliest and meanest dog you'd ever seen baring its teeth at you. The only slightly comforting aspect of the situation was that none of the Balazarings seemed to think anything was amiss in this situation (though they did seem to be giving the dog a wide berth, except for the grubby, naked toddler hanging onto its back that is!)

"Just hol' your horses there sonny, I'll be finished this here job in no time."

Deciding discretion is the better part of valor you let the old coot finish his work.  In an impressively short period of time he refastens the hilt and deftly wraps it in leather doing a very neat job of it. While he's doing this you get a chance to look him over. He's a little above average height, dirty as all hell, shaggy and grizzled. He's wearing a mismatched set of armour pieces, mostly leather except for a bronze breastplate. He's got a pack and a medium shield resting beside him. On the pack is strapped a heavy crossbow and a pick and at his waist is a scimitar.

"There. Try that out for speed, sonny." He passes the sword to you hilt first.

You take the sword and the dog growls at you. "Shiddup, Rockhound" says the geezer and the mutt shuts up.

The sword feels great in your hand. You thank the old geezer and he says, "T'weren't nuttin', I jus hates to see shoddy workmanship." You introduce yourself and he says. "Orlanthi, eh. Well my name is Eagle Eye G'Jorni and this here's Rockhound.  I'm a prospector out of the Goddess's Empire.

At this point you can decide what you want to do. Perhaps Eagle Eye can help put armour and other party member's weapons back together. Perhaps he has additional information to offer.

The rest of the party is being invited to attend a big shinding that night at the palace. It sounds like everyone else is going so you can decided whether you want to attend as well.


Hi Arne,

I had said:

>> "Orlanthi, eh. Well my name is Eagle Eye G'Jorni and this here's Rockhound. >> I'm a prospector out of the Goddess's Empire.

You'd replyed:

><private thoughts>

>He had to be a stinking Lunar! Of all the $*&%^)($#@!!! people to be helpful. I >suppose there has to be some good in the society somewhere. Or maybe he >has finally seen the light. In any case, he has shown some hospitality and I will >not be disrespectful.

></private thoughts>

>I'll try to swap stories with Eagle Eye and try to find out if he could help us with >the armour and other weapons.

Eagle Eye responds:

"Wal, I'm just passing through these parts. Right interested I is in mining so I's lookin' for new mine sites. When you spend as much time as I do out here in the sticks you need to know somethin' about fixin' stuff. I figgers I could help you fix your gear but you know a man's gotta eat."  He seems to be a sincere enough Lunar and is quite happy to spout off about how the Goddess saved a poor wretch like him. She'd do the same for you too if you'd let Her. He doesn't push it though.

I'd said:

>> The rest of the party is being invited to attend a big shindig that night at the >>palace. It sounds like everyone else is going so you can decided whether you >>want to attend as well.

>I'll attend. Never turn down free food even if it is pork. 8)

Okay. I believe I can guarantee some pork will be there.


This page last modified October 27, 1999


Last updated November 20, 2017

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