Oliver D. Bernuetz's Gloranthan Gaming - Characters II Back to my home page This is where you can find a list of the characters in my new campaign. Brenna Vingasdottir also known as the Red
(Gary H.) - born 1604 Storm Season, Movement Week,
Godsday - Daughter of Thorfinn the Spear and Astra the Red;
granddaughter of Fulla Vingasdotter
Halldis Leikansdottir (NPC) -
born 1604 Sea Season, Disorder Week, Freezeday - Daughter of Leikan
Kjartanson, "borrower"
Sarstan the Wide (Jeff N.) - born
1604 Storm Season, Movement Week, Wildday - Son of Oysten Korlmhyson,
steadholder Sarstin the Skinny (Grant M.) -
born 1604 Storm Season, Movement Week, Wildday - Son of Oysten Korlmhyson,
steadholder Styr Heljasson (Owen B.) - born
1604 Sea Season, Movement Week, Clayday - son of Helja Kekisdottir, a
noble Vidar Arenson (Darryl A.) -
born 1604 Fire Season, Stasis Week, Fireday - Son of Aren Ragnarsson
Last updated April 14, 2020 Glorantha is a trademark of Chaosium, Inc. Gloranthan material on this page is copyright ©1997-2016 by Oliver D. Bernuetz or by the author specifically mentioned on an individual page. Glorantha is the creation of Greg Stafford, and is used with his permission. Email me at bernuetz@mymts.net