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Oliver D. Bernuetz's Regions - The Border Marches - What the Average Amberi Knows

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The average Amberi in the 14th century (circa 1350 ST) knows quite a bit about their own culture but little about foreign cultures.  You can get a good idea of what they know about their own cultures on the Glorantha web site at : under the heading "The Heortlings" as well as the sections called Orlanthi Hero Wars, Orlanthi Culture, and the excerpt from Thunder Rebels.   This will give you a good basic understanding of  Heortling culture.

Now how about the neighbours?  The section on "Who Lives Near Us?" from the Thunder Rebels excerpt covers the basic knowledge fairly well with the following exceptions/additions.  The term "special enemy" refers to whether this group is the enemy that our ancestors had to deal with.  Being a regular enemy DOES NOT mean that a state of truce cannot exist.   Even with a special enemy peace might be possible (remember, "There is always another way!").   Unfortunately mythic/historic antagonisms might make this next to impossible to acheive in practise.  The ancestors and cultures have a long memory.

Culture Knowledge
Lunars The Lunars are presently completely unknown to the Heortlings.
Tarshites Pretty much unknown at this time.
Solar cultures Age old enemies.  Elmal is the only decent sun god.  All other sun god worshippers are enemies.
Praxians They are an old enemy but few have had any contact with them.  The fact that they will have nothing to do with horse riders and cattle herders is not well understood.  That'll clear up really quickly though.   The statement given in TR excerpt describes general knowledge quite well.  Not a special enemy.
Hendrikilanders The region south of Heortland (the Amberi's old homeland) is inhabited by related peoples.  Recently immigrants from the west who claim there is only one true god took over the region.  They claim that all the other gods are just  people with great power.  The're warriors fight from horseback on armoured horses and do not know anything about Heortling honour.
Uz (trolls) The best known non-humans actually.   The former ruler of Heortland, the Only Old One, was the son of Argan Argar so despite the fact that there is little love lost between the trolls and Heortlings they are not automatically considered enemies.  They are inhuman monsters though.  Not a special enemy.
Dragonewts Feared because of the Dragonkill War but little is known about them.  The Urlanging (the mother clan of the Amber clan) was hostile to the dragons and did wage war against them historically.
Aldryami (elves) Sometime enemies. sometime friends.   Ernalda has good relations with them (sometimes) but their culture is a complete mystery.  Keep out of their woods if you know what's good for you.  Not a special enemy.
Mostali (dwarves) Pretty much a complete mystery though everyone would recognize them.  No precedent set for contact.  Orlanth probably fought Mostal (he fought everyone else) but they're not a special enemy.
Hsunchen (Beast Folk) An age old, special enemy of the Urlanging.  The clan hero Vandarl specialized in fighting them.  Their special enemy was a group of cattle people but other types exist!  Beware them.  The Torkani speak of a wolf people (the Telmori) but they're not neighbours of yours.   THE special enemy!
Predark (Chaos) What is there to say?  Always the enemy.  One of the few capital crimes is consorting with chaos.  Kill them dead.

This page last modified May 14, 2001

This page last modified July 18, 2001

Last updated January 10, 2017

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