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Oliver D. Bernuetz's Regions - The Border Marches - The Urlanging

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Before Time

The Urlangini whooped with Orlanth and drank the Eight Known Drinks, so that their heads would hurt during the ceremony.  They took part at The Battle of Extinguish Field, when Orlanth's forces defeated those of his worst enemy, Yelm the Bright Emperor.  They adopted the Nalda Bin as family during the Darkness and their especial foe was Ukka Gra, King of the Basmoli Beastmen.

Since Time Began

Following King Heort's lead they were a balanced clan like their ancestors and the first deity they awoke was Orlanth the Father. 

When the dragons came they were hostile to them and fought against them.

They were one of the clans to come out of the Darkness in the region now known as Hendrikiland.  Following the teachings of good King Heort they grew and prospered.  Many thing happened to them throughout their long history and they never disappointed their ancestors or their gods. 

Recent History

The last chief of the Urlanging was Skorri Manysons who was the son of Helgis Hrutson who was the son of Hrut Hegelson who died infamously at the hands of the dragon lovers.  Skorri was a good leader who led well in battle and peace and ruled a long time until his death at the hands of Belintar's forces.

At their height during Skorri's reign they numbered almost 1200 people with the most famous Urlangings being Skorri himself, Una Oxen Lover, priestess of Uralda, Angorri Farnanson, trader of the Talking God, Randella Ernaldestadaughter, priestess of Ernalda, and Estak the Humaktsworn. 

The clan had a force of 30 weaponsthanes and a fyrd of 400 with both men and women led by Estak the Humaktsworn.

The clan was rich in cattle and horses and had many pigs and sheep.

The advent of Belintar worried Skorri and he sent three of his followers to spy on him.  Of these three only one, Cedric the Fox, returned.  He told Skorri what he feared he would hear and Skorri urged his people to follow in the steps of the Colymar and Malani and head north into Dragon's Pass.  A little more than half decided to go with Una Oxen Lover, priestess of Uralda, Angorri Farnanson, trader of the Talking God, Randella Ernaldestadaughter, priestess of Ernalda being among them.  All fifty of Skorri's son stayed to die with him and the remaining people did as well.  Almost all of the children who were too young to bear arms were put into fosterage with those who left.  

This page last modified July 18, 2001  Jeff Neufeld and Doug Stic

Last updated January 10, 2017

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