Fire rune

Lodriland - Special Professions

Ice rune

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In true egalitarian fashion the following occupations are ione to both men and women.  The Lodrili do not discriminate on the basis of gender.


Artificers are the men responsible for the creation of the special weapons that the Tunnel Scouts and the Priest-King's Engineers use.  The Engineers are drawn from among the Artificers and have the same skills.

Abilties: Artificer Traditions; Work With Molten Lava; Craft Obsidian; Craft Lava Rock; Artilleryman: Scan: Mathematics; Logistics; Alchemy.

Typical Personality: Self-absorbed, Love to Tinker, Defer to Priest

Typical Relationships: to Commander, to Priest.

Typical Followers: apprentice artificers.

Standard of Living: Common.

Typical Equipment: Long lava resistant apron and gloves.  Big floppy hat.  

(This is based on work done by Viktor Haag)

Boatmen/fishermen ply the Ring of Water, ferrying people and goods over and along the canal as well as fishing for the fish of the canal and hunting puffins.  Their boats are simple coracles made of reindeer bone, hide and sinew.  They are treated with scorn by the Stone Boatmen and they return the scorn.

Abilities: Agile, Balance, Fish, Fight with Spear, Use Sling, Boating, Jury-rig Repair, Know Local Waterways, Load and Stow Cargo, Swim, Tie Knots

Typical Personality Traits: Affable, Canny, Superstitious

Typical Relationships:to Guild, to Priest-King

Typical Followers: None.

Standard of Living: Common.

Typical equipment: Sheeting knife, rope, sling, fish spear.

Priest-King's Guardsman

The Priest-Kings Guard are an elite unit of shock infantry that are fiercely loyal to the Priest-King.  They are divided into six units who are extremely competitive.   Their responsibility is to guard the Priest-King and the people of Lodriland.   They work closely with the Artificers and are responsible for guarding them as they move their artillery equipment around to destroy the threat of icicle attack.  (Most members are men due to the strength needed for their type of warfare).

Abilties: Army Regulations; March; Scan for Danger; Swear Like a Soldier; Spear Phalanx; Fight with Spear and Shield +5; Fight with Mace and Spear +5; Priest-King's Guards Traditions.

Typical Personality: Defer to Priest; Brave; Loyal; Disciplined (+3)

Typical Relationships: to Commander, to Priest; to Unit, to Guild.

Typical Followers: none.

Standard of Living: Common.

Typical Equipment: Obsidian scale armour, obsidian tipped spears and heavy stone mace.  Reindeer hide shield. 

Priest-King's Slingers

The Priest-Kings Slingers are a single unit of staff slingers that are assigned to the Priest-King's guard.  They are divided into three sub-units assigned to the a specific unit of the Guards.  They also work closely with the Artificers (like the Guard).  They use staff slings and obsidian or lava missiles that can be enchanted to burst into flame once shot. Their main duty is to counteract the missile troops the hrolli ice demons and trolls field.  (Most members are women).

Abilties: Army Regulations; March; Scan for Danger; Swear Like a Soldier; Spear Phalanx; Fight with Spear and Shield -5; Staff Sling +5; Priest-King's Slingerss Traditions.

Typical Personality: Defer to Priest; Brave; Loyal; Disciplined (+3)

Typical Relationships: to Commander, to Priest; to Unit, to Guild.

Typical Followers: none.

Standard of Living: Common.

Typical Equipment: Leather armour, obsidian tipped spears, reindeer hide shield and staff sling and ammo.. 

Stone Boatman

The Stone Boatmen are a tiny group in Lodrili society.  It is their responsibility to craft and guide the stone boats that are used to ferry goods across or along the Ring of Fire.  They also create the stone coffins that are used to send notables to Lodril.

Abilties: Agile; Balance; Stone Boatman; Endure Heat; "Seamanship"; Tie Knots; Jumping; Craft Stone; Lasso

Typical Personality: Superstitious; Dour; Fatalistic; Defer to Priest;

Typical Relationships: to Priests, to Guild.

Typical Followers: apprentice boatmen.

Standard of Living: Prosperous..

Typical Equipment: Lava resistant clothing. Reindeer hide rope.

Tunnel Scout

The Tunnel Scouts are effectively skirmisher infantry.  They patrol the ice and watch the dome for any tunnels.  They are the first line of defence against attack from trolls or ice demons.

Abilties: Climb, Mountaineering, Scan for Danger; Scouting +3; Swear Like a Soldier; Move Silently; Read the Ice; Fight with Mace; Fight with Mace and Shield; Skate; Fight With Hookey Stick +5 (this is a long curved "stick" made from reindeer bones and leather-it is used to slash opponents with or whack obsidian discs to hit foes with), Tunnel Scout Traditions.

Typical Personality: Argumentative; Brave; Undisciplined

Typical Relationships: to Commander, to Priest or Shaman, to unit.

Typical Followers: none.

Standard of Living: Mininmal.

Typical Equipment: Cold weather clothing, hookey stick, mace, obsidian discs, shield.

Last updated March 04 2004 (old site) Last updated April 26, 2017

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