Beast rune

The Spirit Twins Tradition

Spirit rune

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Note: The use of the names of actual indigenous peoples in this write-up is not intended to be in any way disrespectful. 

The Rangini are a people immersed in sadness. Once proud nomads who eked a harsh but rewarding life following herds of reindeer along the skirts of the Glacier they are now trapped in Lodriland along with the Lodrili. Their people had been fleeing the speedy expansion of the Glacier, heading south as fast as their reindeer drawn sleighs could move, with an appalling loss of life, when they encountered the city of Badrul just as Lodril had sent his mighty, fiery spear to throw the lava back. They made the mistake of resting near the lava so they could catch their breath and were horrified to discover themselves trapped in the ice dome of Lodriland like the Lodrili. The two groups came to an understanding of sorts, tilted much more in the favour of the Lodrili than the Rangini, and this is where they have been stuck ever since.

The Rangini are animists worshipping their own tradition, the Spirit Twins, Tarandus and Sami. Together the Spirit Twins created the world. They are brother (Tarandus) and sister (Sami) and each has three heads. Each head represents a different life stage among the Rangini.

Matchki (Shamanic Tradition)
The Hidden Head

Matchki is the hidden head of the Spirit Twins. Said to belong to either of the Twins in turn or to neither Matchki teaches the Rangini how to be shamans. The shamans are the spiritual leaders of the Rangini.

Entry Requirements : Must be a member of the tradition and have the secret shaman head.

Abilities : Matchki Practice Knowledge, Follower of Matchki, Open Spirit World, Spirit Face.

Virtues : Stern, Love the People, Impartial.

Practice Spirits :
Spirits – Element Spirits – Fire 15 to 10W, Wind 15 to 10W, Earth 15 to 10W, Bone 15 to 10W.

Fetishes : Matchki shamans make all their fetishes from various parts of the reindeer. Some special fetishes are made from human parts.

Secret : Matchki fetches always take the form of an additional head.

Shamanic Abilities : Shamanic Escape, Spirit World Travel.

Other Side: The other side is the Great Tundra where followers of Two Spirits Tradition go after death to join the people and herds of reindeer that skirt the edges of Valind’s Glacier there. There they lead the same life that they led before being trapped in Lodriland.

Disadvantages: Followers of Matchki cannot use ice or cold spirits.

Reindeer Lord

Tarandus is the Lord of the Reindeer, whose mighty spirit herd’s migrations created the world the Rangini live in. His three heads are known as Nenet, Rangifer and Chukchi. Tarandus is all three of his heads at once as the herd is nothing without its components. As male Rangini pass through the various stages they can keep any special spirits they received at the previous stage.

Entry Requirements: Must be a male member of the tribe.

Abilities: Tarandus Practice Knowledge, Spirit Face.

Practice Spirits:
Reindeer Spirits - Endure Cold 10 to 10W, Run on Ice 15 to 5W, Endurance 15 to 5W, Run Fast 10 to 1W2, Gather Does 20, Leaping 15 to 5W, Cross River 18.
Man Spirits - Virility 20, Sharpen Weapon 15 to 5W, Whirlwind Fight 10 to 10W,

Spirit Ally:

Charms and Fetishes: Fetishes and charms are made from reindeer parts.

Other Side: The other side is the Great Tundra where followers of Two Spirits Tradition go after death to join the people and herds of reindeer that skirt the edges of Valind’s Glacier there. There they lead the same life that they led before being trapped in Lodriland.

Disadvantages: Cannot use ice or cold spirits.

Secret: Become the Reindeer. People who have attained the secret can take on the form of a reindeer.
The Calf

Nenet is the spirit of youth. His followers are youth from just past the age of initiation (14 or so) until marriage. Followers of Nenet help with other’s reindeer herds and try to gather as many of their own deer as they can in order to be able to support a family. Note that in rare cases Rangini males sometimes stay in Nenet for their entire lives.

Entry Requirements: Be an initiated male.

Abilities: Follower of Nenet.

Virtues: Obedient, Patient, Cautious.

Practice Spirits:
Hunting Spirits – Archery 19, Escape 18, See Hidden Tracks 15, Hide in Snow 20.
Reindeer Spirits – Drive Sleigh 2W, Heal Reindeer 17, Drive Quietly 16

Disadvantages: Followers of Nenet are not able to marry until they have earned a large enough herd of their own to support a family.

The Bull

Rangifer is the spirit followed by husbands, hunters and warriors.

Entry Requirements: Be an initiated male who is considered to be have enough resources to support a family. Followers are the herders, warriors and hunters among the Rangini. Many male Rangini stop their progress here.

Abilities: Follower of Rangifer.

Virtues: Bold, Patient, Brave.

Practice Spirits:
War Spirits – Strength 16 to 10W, Jump on Ice 15 to 2W, Resist Fear 10 to 10W.
Weapon Spirits – Sharpen Edge 11 to 2W, Shield 9 to 2W, Protect Skin 10 to 10W
Husband Spirits – Listen to Wife 19, Protect Family 10 to 10W, Keep Warm 2W.

Disadvantages: None in particular.

The Herd Leader

Chukchi is the spirit followed by those who would lead the herd.

Entry Requirements: Be an initiated male.

Abilities: Follower of Chukchi.

Virtues: Stern, Fatherly, Patient, Think of Others

Practice Spirits:
Leadership Spirits – Commanding Bellow 19, Voices Carry 5 to 5W, Convincing Speech 10 to 10W, Look At Me 7W

Disadvantages: Followers of Chukchi must put the tribe before everything else.

Moss Lady

Sami is the daughter of the Earth and because of her association with reindeer moss became much beloved by Tarandus. Her three heads are known as Nulliak, Cladina, and Arbus.

Entry Requirements: Must be a female member of the tribe.

Abilities: Sami Practice Knowledge, Spirit Face.

Practice Spirits:
Reindeer Spirits - Endure Cold 10 to 10W, Run on Ice 15 to 5W, Endurance 15 to 5W, Run Fast 10 to 1W2, Leaping 15 to 5W, Cross River 18.
Woman Spirits – Tempt Male 5W, Light Fire 19, Gather Herd 15 to 5W.

Spirit Ally:

Charms and Fetishes: Fetishes and charms are made from reindeer parts.

Other Side: The other side is the Great Tundra where followers of Two Spirits Tradition go after death to join the people and herds of reindeer that skirt the edges of Valind’s Glacier there. There they lead the same life that they led before being trapped in Lodriland.

Disadvantages: Cannot use ice or cold spirits.

Secret: Become the Reindeer. People who have attained the secret can take on the form of a reindeer.
The Calf

Nulliak is the spirit of youth. Her followers are youth from just past the age of initiation (14 or so) until marriage. Followers of Nulliak help with other’s reindeer herds and families until they are ready or able to attract a mate. Note that in rare cases Rangini females sometimes stay in Nulliak for their entire lives.

Entry Requirements: Be an initiated female.

Abilities: Follower of Nulliak.

Virtues: Obedient, Patient, Cautious.

Practice Spirits:
Gathering Spirits –Hide in Snow 20. Find Healing Plant, Find Food Plant
Reindeer Spirits – Drive Sleigh 2W, Heal Reindeer 17, Drive Quietly 16

Disadvantages: Followers of Nulliak are not able to marry until they prove that they know the skills required by a wife and attract a mate.

The Doe

Cladina is the spirit followed by wives.

Entry Requirements: Be an initiated female who is married. Most female Rangini stop their progress here.

Abilities: Follower of Cladina.

Virtues: Bold, Patient, Brave.

Practice Spirits:
Wife Spirits – Shelter Children 10 to 10 W, Protect Family 10 to 10W, Keep Warm 2W.

Disadvantages: None in particular.

The Leader Doe

Arbus is the spirit followed by those women who wish to take a leadership role.

Entry Requirements: Be an initiated female.

Abilities: Follower of Arbus.

Virtues: Stern, Motherly, Patient, Think of Others

Practice Spirits:
Leadership Spirits – Commanding Bellow 19, Voices Carry 5 to 5W, Convincing Speech 10 to 10W, Look At Me 7W

Disadvantages: Followers of Arbus must put the tribe before everything else.

Last updated February 19, 2004 old site Last updated April 26, 2017

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