Fire rune

Lodriland - Lodril and Oria's Sons

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Lodril (and Oria) have many, many sons but the following are unique to Lodriland: Aggad the Drunken Scholar, Anu Bringer of Lava, Atra-hasis the Balancer, Hanish the Stead-fast Spear, Nanna the Mixer, Pipskos the Piper, and of course Rangifer the Lost Son.  Many of their other sons are now unknown in Lodriland, their places being taken by the ones listed here.

Common features of the cults are that most of them require that you be born into the associated guild.  Atra-hasis and Anu's followers must be born into the priest's guild but don't necessarily have to follow in their parent's footsteps.  All Lodrili must follow Lodril and Oria's Three Laws (see page 124 of HeroQuest).

Aggad the Drunken Scholar

Like his twin brother Pipskos, Aggad was dropped in beer as a baby proved ill-suited to most work.  Unlike his brother Aggad had absolutely no musical aptitude.  In fact he stubbornly proved to have little aptitude for any sort of work.  Finally he proved to have some aptitude for records keeping and was apprenticed to Buserian.  Aggad is more of a records clerk than a scholar though.  Many of Aggad's affinities and feats are derived from that of his former master Buserian.  Because they are twins Aggad and Pipskos share a common affinity, Drinking.

Entry Requirements: born into the Scholar's guild.  Obey the Three Laws.

Homeland: Lodriland

Abilities: Belly Laugh, Devotee of Aggad or Initiate of Aggad, Mathematics, Keep Tally, Mythology of Aggad, Mythology of Lodril and Oria, Know Lodriland, Read Lodrili, Sing and Dance, Soul Vision, Write Lodrili.

Virtues: Curious, Funloving, Honest, Loyal.

Affinities and feats:

Administration (Empower Memory, Find Hidden Goods, Organize Things, Tally Goods)

Drinking (Find Liquor, Hide Drunkness, Water Into Beer, Work While Drunk,)

Scribe (Draw Perfect Lines Freehand, Everfull Quill, Repel Inkblot, Tireless Hand

Secret: Sober Up (This secret shared with Pipskos allows followers of Aggad to become instantly sober.  They are of course loath to use it).

Other Side: Aggad works in the store rooms of Lodril and Oria's great obsidian ziggurat in the Underworld tallying goods and drinking beer.

Disadvantages: Looked down upon by other Lodrili as drunkards.

Anu Bringer of Lava

Anu is the son who deals in lava.  He can summon it, control it and shape it. He is also a warlike son and has been responsible for destroying many of Lodril's underground enemies, especially Mostali.

Entry Requirements: born into the Priest's guild.  Obey the Three Laws.

Homeland: Lodriland

Abilities: Resist Heat, Devotee of Anu or Initiate of Anu, Mythology of Anu, Mythology of Lodril and Oria, Know Lodriland, Sing and Dance, Soul Vision, Strong

Virtues: Honest, Loyal, Brave, Stern, Fearless.

Affinities and feats:

Lava (Summon Lava Spirit, Command Lava Spirit, Resist Heat, Shape Lava, Volcano)

Fight Underground Foe (Sense Mostali, Sense Uz, See in Darkness, Attack Mostali, Attack Uz)

War (Fearful Bellow, Blazing Hands, Lava Bolt, Stoneskin)

Secret: Walk on Lava (This secret allows followers of Anu to perfectly resist lava.  They still cannot breath without air though.

Other Side: Anu lives with his kin in Lodril and Oria's great obsidian ziggurat in the Underworld where he delights in shaping lava and fighting Lodril and Oria's foes.

Disadvantages: Somewhat feared by other Lodrili due to their dangerous occupation and fearful demeanour.

Atra-hasis the Balancer

Atra-hasis is the son who travels the lava streams.  He can shape rock to make crafts capable of moving on top of lava.  His worship was discovered early in the days of Lodriland when people sought a means to travel on the Spear and Ring of Fire.

Entry Requirements: born into the Priest's guild.  Obey the Three Laws.

Homeland: Lodriland

Abilities: Belly Laugh, Resist Heat, Devotee of Atra-hasis or Initiate of Atra-hasis, Mythology of Atra-hasis, Mythology of Lodril and Oria, Know Lodriland, Shape Stone, Sing and Dance, Soul Vision, Strong

Virtues: Fearless, Fun Loving, Loyal, Honest.

Affinities and feats

Lava (Resist Lava, Cause Waves, Make Stone Lava Resistant)

Craft Stone (Work Stone, Cut Stone, Strengthen Stone, Shape Stone)

Balance (Hang Ten, Perfect Balance, Strong Balance, Trick Riding)

Secret: The Perfect Wave (allows the user to summon a great lava wave that can carry the devotee over land.  Note that this doesn't make you any friends among the neighbours).

Other Side: Atra-Hasis rides the great Lava streams that flow near Lodril and Oria's great obsidian ziggurat in the Underworld.

Disadvantages: None.

Hanish the Stead-fast Spear

Hanish is the son who stayed behind.  He picked up his spear and prepared to defend Lodril and Oria's people when Pole Star and his like failed the Lodrili.  His actions delayed the advance of the ice enough to allow many people to be saved.   Hanish can call upon some of the lava feats of his brother Anu to help his fighting abilties.

Entry Requirements: born into the Soldier's guild.  Obey the Three Laws.

Homeland: Lodriland

Abilities: Belly Laugh, Devotee of Hanish or Initiate of Hanish, Mythology of Hanish, Mythology of Lodril and Oria, Know Lodriland, Sing and Dance, Soul Vision, Strong

Virtues: Brave, Stubborn, Loyal, Honest

Affinities and feats

Spear (Long Reaching Spear, Leaping Spear, Cunning Spear, Spear Shield, Repair Spear)

Lava (Stoneskin, Resist Fire, Lava Spear, Run Over Lava)

Steadfastness (Immobility, Loyalty, Shield Wall, Stay The Course)

Secret: The Perfect Spearman

Other Side: Hamish lives in Lodril and Oria's great obsidian ziggurat in the Underworld which he helps to guard.

Disadvantages: None.

Nanna the Mixer

Nanna is the son who tinkers.  He loves to mix substances together and craft special devices and gadgets.

Entry Requirements: be born into the Artificer's Guild.  Obey the Three Laws.

Homeland: Lodriland

Abilities: Alchemy, Belly Laugh, Devotee of Nanna or Initiate of Nanna, Mythology of Nanna, Mythology of Lodril and Oria, Know Lodriland, Sing and Dance, Soul Vision, Strong, Tinker

Virtues: Brave, Curious, Honest, Loyal

Affinities and feats:

Make (Shape, Cut, Craft, Straighten)

Mix (Blend, Stir, Puree, Chop, Spindle)

Tinker (Fit Together, Understand Uses, Discover New Uses)

Secret: Mixmaster

Other Side: Nanna lives in Lodril and Oria's great obsidian ziggurat in the Underworld.

Disadvantages: None.

Pipskos the Piper

Pipskos and his twin borther Aggad were dropped in beer as babies and from that day on they were ill-suited to most work.  Finally after an adolescence marked by youthful indiscretions and misdoings Lodril and Oria forced them to choose careers.  Pipskos choose music as he had some interest in that area already.  He apprenticed with Donander to improve his skills but his followers will never be suited for the politest company being better suited to wild parties.   Because they are twins Pipskos and Aggad share a common affinity, Drinking.

Entry Requirements: born into the Musician's guild.  Obey the Three Laws.

Homeland: Lodriland

Abilities: Belly Laugh, Devotee of Pipskos or Initiate of Pipskos, Mythology of Pipskos, Mythology of Lodril and Oria, Know Lodriland, Sing and Dance, Soul Vision, Strong

Virtues: Cheerful, Friendly, Honest, Loyal.

Affinities and feats

Drinking (Work While Drunk, Hide Drunkness, Find Liquor, Water Into Beer)

Forget Your Woes (Tell Another Story, Make Merry, Share and Share Alike, )

Piping (Blowhard, Keep the Melody, Keep 'em Dancing, Endless Music)

Secret: Sober Up (This secret shared with Agagd allows followers of Pipskos to become instantly sober.  They are of course loath to use it).

Other Side: Aggad works in the store rooms of Lodril and Oria's great obsidian ziggurat in the Underworld tallying goods and drinking beer.

Disadvantages: Looked down upon by other Lodrili as drunkards.

Rangifer the Lost Son

Rangifer was the Lost Son, the only one of this group whose mother isn't Oria.  He grew up in the northern wastes and his affinities and abilities are well suited to that land.  It was Damuzi who proved that he was the same being as the Rangifer that the Rangini worshipped as a spirit.

Entry Requirements: be a misfit.  There is no Tunnel Scout guild but children of Tunnel Scouts do tend to follow in their parent's footsteps.  Note that this is the only cult that allows men and women to worship.  (Not that any self-respecting Lodrili female would ever join such a cult).  Obey the Three Laws.

Homeland: Lodriland

Abilities: Belly Laugh, Drive Reindeer, Devotee of Rangifer or Initiate of Rangifer, Mythology of Rangifer, Mythology of Lodril and Oria, Know Lodriland, Sing and Dance, Ski, Skate, Soul Vision, Strong

Virtues: Brave, Honest, Independant, Loyal

Affinities and feats:

Fighting (Ice Fighting, Sharpen Edge, Speedy Skating, Send Disc Far)

Reindeer (Put Edge on Antler, Run Long Time, Run on Top of Snow, Eat Lichen)

Survival (Resist Cold, Forage, Find North, Thick Skin)

Secret: Become Reindeer (Devotees can assume the form of a reindeer).

Other Side: Rangifer lives with his mother Reindeer on the Great Tundra.

Disadvantages: Looked down upon by most Lodrili.

Last updated March 04, 2004 old site.  Last updated April 26, 2017

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